CALL US : 410-376-0167
213 Race St. (P.O. Box 24)
Vienna, Maryland 21869
Monument Of
Church Of God In Christ
Ministerial Team
Our Ministerial team is lead by our Pastor, Evang. Aime'e Van Zandt-Waters. Below are some of the ministry leaders that we have in house.

Supervisor Lee E. Van Zandt
Dr. Lee Van Zandt is the Co-Founder of Monument of Love. She is an international Evangelist and The Elect Lady of Global World Mission for the Church of God in Christ , and a mission worker in the Kingdom of God. She is a woman of God who knows how to love and entreat people of all colors, kinds, and creeds. She is also the Supervisor of the Women's Department of the Maryland Eastern Shore Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ.
20th - 22nd: Trinity District Meeting, Buffalo, New
1st: Turks and Caicos Island's Women's Department lunch,
Farmington Hills, MI @ 1:00pm
25th - 29th: Ecuador Jurisdiction Women's Convention, Guayaquil,

Church Mother
Evangelist Aimee Van Zandt-Waters
Sis. Van Zandt-Waters is our Pastor who is a daughter of this ministry and has served in just about every position available in the church. She was the Assistant Pastor for 8 years and then elevated to office of Pastor. Our pastor loves people, and is always available to listen. She is also currently serving as our church Administrator, and Minister of Music.
Mother Joyce Johns
Evangelist Joyce Johns is the hand-picked Woman of God by our late Pastor Ben Van Zandt to be the mother of our ministry. She has been a Sunday School teacher, YPWW teacher, Youth Chairlady, prayer warrior, and choir member. She currently serves as a member of our Trustee Board and our Mission President.

Evangelist Myrtle Bell
Evangelist Bell has been a faithful member of Monument of Love for over 25 years. She is a member of our Trustee Board and served as President of YPWW and the Usher Board for many years. She now serves as the Sunday School Superintendent and the leader of the Ministerial Staff.
Sunday School President
Angels of Praise
(Liturgical Dance Ministry)
Sister Azariah Veney
Sis. Azariah has been dancing with our International Dance Team
and has taken what she learned and is sharing her love for liturgical expression with the younger people.

Angels of Praise
(Liturgical Dance Ministry)
Praise & Worship Leader
Praise & Worship Leader
Sister Roshon Van Zandt
Sister Roshon is our Praise and Worship President who loves the Lord, and has a melodious voice. She is also our bookkeeper and a part of our secretarial staff, and finance team.

Elder Melvin Baltimore
Elder Baltimore and his wife Evangelist Robin Baltimore are a team that love God and love winning souls for the Kingdom.
Co-President Dept. of Evangelism

Evangelist Robin Baltimore
Evangelist Baltimore is a God fearing woman who loves God and his people. She and her husband Elder Melvin Baltimore work together to win souls for the Kingdom.
Co-President Dept. of Evangelism

Sister Karen Bell
Sister Karen is the first smile you see when you walk into the building. She is the consumate door keeper, and President of our Usher Board. She is also a part of our finance team.
Usher Board President

Sister April Barnes
Sister April is a wife and mother of four who loves God and the ministry. She is the president of our Hospitality and the designs and creativity you see in the sanctuary.
Hospitality President

Brother Norman Whittington
Brother Norman is a supporter who has a ministry of helps. He loves God first and our Pastor and he rally's the saints to care for the needs of our leader. He is our Pastors Aide President, church van driver, and one of our scheduling secretaries
Pastor's Aide President